Tuesday 31 December 2019

Ramon Casas - Decadent Young Woman after the Ball

Decadent Young Woman after the Ball
by Ramon Casas 

O, how the beautiful lady in the black dress had danced! Gayly tripping the night fantastic, until Phoebus in golden mantle clad had scaled the wall of the glittering east, and it was the hour to bid her sad 'Adieux'. 

Exhausted now she lies on her sumptuous divan dreaming of the ball and how she had dazzled all with her charm and her dance melodious. 

But her joy at the ball was tinged with her sadness at leaving. And is this not so with us all? Who among us has felt not the sorrow of parting? 

But for the lady in the black dress there will be more balls voluptuous! And more dawns collapsed on her divan in an ecstatic and decadent bliss. 

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