
Friday 24 June 2011

Emil Nolde (1867-1956)

Christ and the Children by Emil Nolde

He was born Emil Hansen in the village of Nolde in Germany (now part of Denmark) and became a leading member in German Expressionism. He painted in both oils and watercolours. When Samuel Beckett during his tramping around Germany in 1936 saw his painting Christ and the Children (Christus und die Kinder) he wrote in his diary: '... clot of yellow infants, long green back of Christ (David?) leading to black and beards of Apostles. Lovely eyes of child held in His arms. Feel on once on terms with the picture, and that I want to spend a long time before it, and play it over and over again like the record of a quartet'. [Damned to Fame, the Life of Samuel Beckett by James Knowlson p235].

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